Monday, May 26, 2008


This is a final sketch i have produced that shows the overall design proposal. The main structure will be collumns and a truss design spanning longitudinally and then a glass and concrete panel mix cladding on the two sides.

Detail Research

Friday, May 9, 2008

Interesting Research

I really like this shell design, the frame can be seen which is useful.

Construction detail showing an elaborate design by Norman Foster

More Research Images

Major Project Research

I have chosen Norman Foster as my architect, he is my second fav architect, as Zaha Hadid is without a doubt my favourite, i really like deconstructionist architects. I have chosen Foster instead because i feel i can develop a better suited design and get better research details from his designs than from Zaha Hadid, below are some initial images that inspire me. Although many people opt to go with Foster, i have attempted to focus on certain aspects of his designs.